
(6 Secret Tips) – How to Create your Free Tumblr, and be successful

What are the Advantages of Tumblr Blog

Free Tumblr is one of the most fabulous social media sites. But why is it so popular? Tumblr is a microblogging platform that allows its users to create short-form blogs for those who do not know. In 2013, after its acquisition by Yahoo, it became one of the ten most visited websites on the internet and had since become an active part of social media. But if you’re still wondering what makes a Free Tumblr so unique (and popular), here are the advantages of Tumblr Blog that make it stand out from other blogging platforms.

What are the advantages of Tumblr Blog

It’s a microblogging platform. 

Tumblr, unlike many other blogging platforms, depends on short-form content. The typical post on Tumblr is shorter and more visual than what you find on other social networks. And this is why the site resonates with teens and young adults who prefer to express themselves with images than text.

social networks

It’s easy to use. 

Tumblr’s user interface is intuitive and straightforward, especially compared with most other blog-building solutions. This makes it very easy to get started and is one of the main reasons people choose Tumblr over other blogging platforms like WordPress or Blogger. If you want to, you can create an account in seconds by simply connecting your Facebook or Twitter profile.

It’s an excellent platform for visual content. 

Tumblr posts are often more visual than posts on other social networks, making it a great place to share memes, infographics, videos, and GIFs. Tumblr users have created over 50 million GIFs since 2013!

It’s a social network.

It’s a social network. Tumblr has its community of bloggers, and it’s easy to engage with them. You can follow other Tumblr users and repost their content or share your posts on Facebook and Twitter to reach more people.

It’s great for sharing news, ideas, and content from around the web

It’s a great way to share content from around the web. Tumblr is a fantastic way for curating and sharing content from other websites, either via reblogging or using the reblog bookmarklet. You can also easily embed videos, images, and audio files into your posts.

It has excellent mobile apps. 

The official Tumblr app is available across all major mobile platforms, including Android and iOS devices. It also has an iPad app which makes it even easier to create posts using images, videos, and audio files right on your tablet device.

You Can Customize Your Blog With Themes And Extensions

Like WordPress and Blogger, Tumblr allows you to customize your blog with themes and extensions (called ‘Apps’ in Tumblr). These features help you create a unique-looking blog.

You Can Schedule Your Posts To Publish On A Specified Date And Time

If you want to schedule your posts to publish at a specific date and time, it’s possible with Tumblr. Some themes come with this scheduling feature, but if the theme you’re using doesn’t include it, you can add this capability to your blog by installing the Scheduled Posts App.

You Can Password Protect Your Blogs

You can password protect your blogs so that only people who have the password can view them. This feature is useful if someone wants to share private information with a specific group of people.

Create Multiple Blogs Using The Same Account

Tumblr allows its users to create multiple blogs using the same account, which means that you don’t have to register a new version every time you want to create a new blog. This feature allows you to remain anonymous when blogging about something controversial or personal while at the same time allowing you to keep track of all of your blogs through one Dashboard.

You have complete control over your blog.

You can control your blog because you are not restricted by any rules or regulations for posting content. You can publish whatever you want and whenever you want, and you are free to express yourself in any way possible on Tumblr.

You own your content.

On Tumblr, you own the content of your blog – no one else takes the credit for your hard work! This is true freedom because, on other social media sites like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram, you don’t own the content that you create there – these sites do! They can change their policies.

It’s not just a blogging platform.

With Tumblr, you don’t have to limit yourself to writing articles or blog posts. You can also use it as a social networking platform by following other users and interacting with them on their blogs, like Twitter or Facebook (although Tumblr isn’t nearly as big as those networks).

You can reblog other posts.

Reblogging allows you to share someone else’s post with your audience. This makes it easy to distribute others’ content on your blog, which means you don’t have to create all of the content yourself — and when done right, it can help expand your reach and increase engagement.

Your posts can include more than text.

Tumblr allows you to upload images, videos, audio, links, and quotes to your blog, in addition to text posts. So your blog can include more than just your articles — you can share other media as well.

Here are some advantages of using Tumblr over other blogging platforms.

Ease of Use 

This is probably the most significant advantage of Tumblr — if you can send an email or post on Facebook, you can make a post on Tumblr. It’s effortless to use and doesn’t take much time to get the hang of it.

It’s Free 

Like most other blogging platforms (Blogger and WordPress), Tumblr doesn’t cost anything to set up or use. This is an advantage if you’re starting and don’t have money to invest in your blog yet. There are also great ways to monetize your blog without spending any money upfront with its built-in features.

User Base

Tumblr supports over 300 million blogs, with an average of around 50 million posts per day. If you want a broad audience for your blog, this kind of user base

Great design

Tumblr’s design is modern and clean, making it very attractive for users. Users can choose from a selection of templates that they can customize easily.

Standard features

The service is easy to use, so even those with minimal experience with social media or blogging will have no problem setting up a blog on Tumblr. There are plenty of standard features available on the platform, so you don’t need to install plugins or widgets to get everything you need for your blog.

Blog focused community

Tumblr has many users who focus mainly on blogging, not just on social networking like Facebook and Twitter. It means that your posts are more likely to reach your target audience.

How to Create Tumblr Blog

You have to create an account on Tumblr. When you open an account, you can create your blog, which will look like this:

If you like to change your domain name, go to the setting option. In that option, click on the “set up custom domain.”

You can click on the advanced setting and click on the “use a custom domain name.”

After that, type your domain name and click on the “save” option.

Now you will get a notification:

“This domain’s A-record is not pointing to Tumblr. You need to change your domain’s A-record to:”

You have to add the A-record pointing your domain to the Tumblr-provided IP Address.

After pointing your domain, goes back to the Tumblr Blog Setting and save the custom domain. Now your blog will be live on search engines.

Tips for Using Tumblr Blog

Free Tumblr

Here are some tips for using Tumblr to improve your SEO Post content regularly and consistently.

The key to using social media platforms well is consistency. If you only post once a week, you won’t generate as much traffic as posting once a day or even twice a day. If you’re posting content on Tumblr, make sure that it’s high-quality stuff that will attract readers and keep them coming back for more.

1. Post your content, not just other people.

Don’t just reblog other people’s posts and expect to generate traffic; it’s essential to create some original content of your own as well. It allows you to include links back to your website or blog, which will drive the most traffic.

2. Make use of tags and categories.

Like on Twitter, if you tag your Tumblr posts correctly, it will help them be found by more people searching for that topic. You can also set up categories on Tumblr so that posts about a specific topic end up on their category page, making them easier for search engines to find.

3. Be active on Tumblr.

Don’t just post your content — interact with others on Tumblr by commenting, liking, and reblogging other users’ posts in your niche. It will help you build an audience, connect with others in the Tumblr community, and earn more followers.

4. Include links to your website in your profile and posts.

It’s important to include links to your website within any of your Tumblr posts and your profile page so that people who visit your page can easily find their way to your website if they want more information about what you have to offer them.

5. The better the content, the better the results

The most critical factor in improving SEO with Tumblr is providing excellent content that people want to read and share with others. It will help generate search engine rankings and naturally increase traffic to your site over time.

6. Get social and follow other blogs in your niche (and engage).

Just like tweeting, reblogging is an essential component of Tumblr marketing, but it’s only half of the story. For maximum engagement, it’s also important to follow other blogs in your niche (or related niches) and interact with them. Commenting on posts makes it easier for other bloggers to see you, leading to increased exposure for both parties.

How to Optimize Tumblr Blog 

 That’s one of the platform’s most endearing qualities: It’s a place where you can be yourself and speak to a like-minded audience you probably wouldn’t find anywhere else on the web.

But, believe it or not, Free Tumblr is a great place to drive traffic to your website. And if you’re an entrepreneur, it can be a great way to promote your products or services.

Tips for marketers who want to use Tumblr for SEO purposes:

Choose the right domain name.

The first step to using Free Tumblr for SEO is creating a blog with a relevant domain name. It’s essential to choose a simple, short domain name that is easy to read and remember. It should also be relevant to your brand and industry so that users know what they’re getting when they visit the site.

Choose a searchable name for your account.

Tumblr lets you create a custom URL for your blog, allowing you to pick a keyword-friendly name that will be convenient for people to remember and find. Don’t forget to include your business name — the URL should have both your company’s name and an important keyword.

Use keywords in your blog name and description

Your blog’s title should include one or two main keywords for your brand. The description will also appear in search results, so you’ll want to populate it with relevant keywords that describe what people will find on your Tumblr page. Even if your blog name doesn’t contain any keywords, make sure that the description does.

Create original content

While Tumblr is known for reblogging and reposting content, SEO is better if you create original content instead of simply linking out to other blogs. This way, you’ll have a chance to add unique keywords that can help people find you.

Add meta tags

Tumblr makes it easy to enter a description and keywords for every post, so take full advantage of this feature. Include your primary keyword in the report and add relevant secondary keywords in the tags section.

Keep up with trending tags.

Since Tumblr has such a strong focus on reblogging, it’s essential to know what topics are trending at any given moment. You can see the top 100 tags on Tumblr, but keep in mind that these change rapidly — the site’s most popular topic might not even show up on.

Creating Backlinks on Tumblr Blog

Backlinks are the most important thing for any SEO. As you know that SEO is a game of Backlinks, and it’s also known as Off-page SEO. So, if you want to rank your article on the search engine result page, you need to create backlinks to your post.

Tumblr is a blogging platform million bloggers use to create a free blog. You can easily create a free blog on Tumblr in less than 10 minutes, and after creating the blog, you can start posting articles on it. And if you want to build backlinks for your blog post, you can create backlinks on Tumblr blogs.

Bottom Line

After reading the article, we learned about the advantages of Tumblr blog for blogging. Tumblr is a great platform for those that want to jump into blogging without investing too much time and energy. Furthermore, Free Tumblr makes it easy to engage with like-minded individuals, since there is a general culture of kindness and helpfulness that pervades the platform. For example, Tumblr users will often “reblog” other people’s content to share it with their own followers. Now, this might sound simple but it’s actually quite powerful, as this sort of curation can help draw more attention on a subject or bring attention to an otherwise overlooked item.

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