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How Often Should You Write On Your Blog In 2024

How frequently you need to post blog posts will also depend on how you are planning on creating content for your blog. The number of blog posts that you publish per week also depends on how you are going to promote your content and which channels you are using. The number of blog posts that you need to write before you start seeing traffic depends on various factors, including your content quality, how you market your blog, etc.

Which are the Factors?

The number of posts you publish depends on a few factors, including your schedule, topic, blog length, and your general goals for your target audience. Now, it is time to weigh in a few more aspects of deciding the posting frequency that works for you and your blog. As we teased at the beginning, the frequency at which you post new posts really matters quite a bit to your blogs overall success and content marketing strategy. Blogging is a crucial component to a successful content marketing strategy, and if you are using your companys blog as a marketing tool, then there are some other considerations that you will want to consider besides posting frequency and blog post length.

posting frequency

What Should you do?

If you are not worried about driving new traffic and want to keep your existing subscribers engaged, then blogging several times per week is fine. In a competitive market, you will want to blog more often in order to get readers engaged in what you are saying. Also, if you are publishing in a fast-paced niche, such as news, you probably need to publish every day to keep readers engaged. If your industry is fast-paced, then you should strive to publish your blog daily.

I recommend posting at least once per month in order to keep your blog lively and engaging for readers. Ideally, you should be posting at least 2-4 times a week with new blogs to keep readers engaged and attract new subscribers. It is recommended that blogs that have more than 100 posts publish once or twice a month, and those that have fewer than 20-30 posts should post at least twice per week. To increase brand awareness, HubSpot suggests small blogs post one to two new posts a week, and larger blogs publish three to four times a week (including updated posts).

Bloggers Suggestions

Some bloggers suggest posting at least once a week, others recommend 2-3 times a week, while others say that you should blog as frequently as possible. For beginners, who are blogging as a side gig and do not have much time, a weekly posting is a good first goal to aim for, and then post 2-3 times a week when you can. On average, you should be publishing at least eleven blogs a month; however, this can increase up to sixteen for more established brands.

Statistic from a HubSpot

Statistic from a HubSpot

The minimum comes from a HubSpot study, which found that blogs did not receive significant increases in traffic if they did not post a minimum of 11 posts per month. The more scientific answer, according to HubSpot. Write On Your Blog 15+ times a month receives four times as much organic traffic as blogs write only one or two articles a month. Kissmetrics has put together search statistics related to posting frequency and found that blogs that publish over a single post a day receive more than double the number of unique page views per month as blogs that publish less than one post per day.

HubSpot found companies with 10 employees or fewer publishing 11 or more blog posts per month received 3X the traffic compared to companies of the same size publishing one post per month or none and about 2X more traffic than those businesses publishing between two and five posts per month. Overall, companies that published 16 or more posts a month generated 4.5X as many leads as those who published four or less. For those who published 11 or more times, they received 1.75 times as many leads as those who published six to 10 times per month, and about 3.75 times as many as those who published three to fewer times per month.

Blogger With Larger Resources

For blogs with larger resources, increasing the frequency of their brand-awareness posts is easier, particularly since larger blogs likely have decent amounts of organic traffic already. You are going to have to write strategically, and not just more often, to get those results. If your blog is on a subject that does not change a lot over time. (e.g., gardening tips), you may want to publish less often.

If you are blogging about a topic with a lot of depth. You want to post less often, but longer-form posts that offer lots of value for readers. There is no denying that the more quality content you publish on your blog, the more visitors it will receive.

But for the small business who does not have the manpower. Or the money to post once or more times a day. The trick is to ensure the posts that you do publish are published. At optimal times in order to maximize the amount of traffic that comes your way.

Blogger with Income

If you are blogging for income and want to grow traffic, and possibly an email list, then you may consider publishing one new post each day.

You are a hobby blogger looking to build an audience. You probably want to write your blog several times per week. If your blog is brand new, and you are wondering how often I should blog, it is okay.

Keep Posting

If you started posting Mondays and Thursdays, then you need to keep Write On Your Blog every Monday and Thursday. You do not have to publish every day, but keep your publishing schedule consistent. It is certainly more important to stay consistent with your publishing schedule rather than post each week randomly.

Ideally, you want to be writing at least 2-3 times per week. And scheduling your posts so that they are published early in the morning.

If you are a solo ARMY, then I would say following that. A blogging frequency of 1-2 posts per week might be best for most, meaning 8-10 a month. Whatever blogging frequency you choose for your blog – be it one post per day or several posts a week. Or only a handful of posts per month – just know quality is king.

Figuring out how much time you have for creating. Blog content should help you determine what a realistic posting schedule is. And whether more posts or fewer posts will work for you.

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