
Breakthrough Therapies in Rare Diseases – Tepezza Case Study

Breakthrough therapies are revolutionizing healthcare, particularly for patients with rare diseases. 

This cohort is nearly 50% larger than the 2022 approval class, which fell below the approval trend line. The average number of new drug approvals by the CDER has climbed to a 20-year high, reaching 46 per year over the past decade.

One such breakthrough therapy is Tepezza, which has redefined treatment options for thyroid eye disease (TED). However, the drug’s efficacy has also been accompanied by the emergence of serious side effects, most notably hearing loss. 

This case study discusses the development, approval, and impact of Tepezza. We’ll also critically examine the balance between therapeutic benefits and potential risks, particularly in hearing impairment.

Understanding Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)

TED is an autoimmune condition characterized by inflammation of the eye muscles and fatty tissue. The JAMA Network notes that, often associated with Graves’ disease, TED affects approximately 0.16% to 0.25% of the U.S. population. Individuals at higher risk include smokers, older adults, and those with high levels of thyroid autoantibodies.

The disease typically progresses through two stages: an active inflammatory phase followed by a chronic phase. During the active phase, patients experience symptoms such as orbital and periocular pain, swelling, redness, bulging eyes (proptosis), and double vision. These symptoms can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life, affecting their appearance, self-esteem, and ability to perform daily activities.

Before the development of Tepezza, treatment options for TED were limited and often ineffective in managing the most severe symptoms. Conventional treatments such as corticosteroids, orbital decompression surgery, and radiation therapy offered limited efficacy and carried significant risks.

Can you live with thyroid eye disease?

The prognosis for TED varies. Some patients live with mild symptoms requiring only eye lubrication, while others may experience eye misalignment and double vision, potentially needing eye surgery.

FDA Approval and Fast-Track Status for Tepezza

Tepezza, also known as teprotumumab, has secured its position as a groundbreaking treatment for TED. Recognizing the significant unmet medical need for patients with this condition, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted the drug both Fast Track and Breakthrough Therapy designations.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), teprotumumab’s development was accelerated through regulatory designations. In April 2015, it received Fast Track designation, expediting review, and potential for early approval based on preliminary data. 

The designation was elevated to Breakthrough Therapy in July 2016, recognizing its potential for substantial improvement over existing treatments. Ultimately, the FDA granted full approval in 2020 following successful phase 2 and 3 clinical trials. These studies demonstrated the drug’s superiority over placebo in reducing eye bulging and improving other key measures of disease activity.

Furthermore, imaging studies have provided insights into Tepezza’s mechanism of action. MRI and orbital echography data have shown that the drug can contribute to symptom improvement. These findings underscore the potential for Tepezza to significantly alter the treatment landscape for TED patients.

While the drug represents a major advancement in managing TED, its expedited approval process underscores the potential for side effects.

Tepezza side effects

The introduction of the drug has had a profound impact on the lives of patients with TED. Before its availability, patients often endured debilitating symptoms with limited treatment options. Tepezza has demonstrated significant efficacy in reducing proptosis, inflammation, and pain, leading to improved quality of life for many patients.

By addressing the underlying cause of TED, the drug has helped patients regain self-confidence and improve their ability to perform daily activities. 

However, the treatment landscape is not without its complexities. While Tepezza has shown remarkable benefits, it is essential to acknowledge the potential side effects, including hearing loss. 

According to Medical News Today, hearing problems, including hearing loss, were commonly reported during clinical trials. These issues can affect one or both ears and include symptoms such as hypersensitivity to everyday noises, tinnitus, and hearing one’s voice echo. 

While most hearing problems were resolved after discontinuation of the drug, some cases of hearing loss were permanent. This highlights the importance of careful monitoring and management of side effects to balance the therapeutic benefits with potential risks.

What is the FDA label for Tepezza lawsuit update?

The FDA has updated the warning label on the drug to include hearing impairment or loss. The label now lists “hearing impairment including hearing loss” as one of the major recent changes under the warnings and precautions section.

Tepezza lawsuit

The promising advancements offered by the treatment for TED patients are overshadowed by the emergence of the Tepezza hearing loss lawsuit. These lawsuits allege that the manufacturer, Horizon Therapeutics, failed to adequately warn patients and healthcare providers about this significant risk.

According to AboutLawsuits.com, lawsuits, like the one filed by Michael Wuss in Illinois, highlight this allegation. Mr. Wuss claims to have suffered permanent hearing impairment after receiving Tepezza infusions for his disease. The lawsuit asserts that Horizon was aware of, or should have been aware of, this risk during development. Furthermore, it accuses the company of failing to update the warning label despite opportunities provided by federal regulations.

TorHoerman Law notes that these lawsuits often focus on product liability, which holds manufacturers accountable for placing defective products on the market. In this case, the argument is that the lack of adequate warnings about hearing loss constitutes a defect.

The legal landscape surrounding Tepezza is evolving rapidly. The outcome of these legal battles could impact patient awareness and potentially lead to changes in how the drug is prescribed and monitored.

How do I know if hearing loss from Tepezza is permanent?

Determining if hearing loss from the drug is permanent involves consulting with a healthcare provider. They may conduct hearing tests and monitor your condition over time. Persistent symptoms and lack of improvement after discontinuing the drug could indicate permanent damage. 

Tepezza has been a game-changer for many thyroid eye disease patients. However, the discovery of potential hearing loss side effects has raised concerns about its overall safety profile. While the drug has undeniably improved the lives of many, the legal challenges and safety concerns underscore the complexities of Pharmaceutical development. 

This case study underscores the importance of prioritizing patient safety while driving innovation in rare disease treatments. The ideal outcome is to develop effective therapies that minimize adverse effects.

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